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The key to efficient power management

In a world where climate change represents one of the biggest threats, the efficient use of energy is becoming increasingly important. Companies and households need to keep a close eye on their energy consumption and ensure that they are not wasting energy unnecessarily. This is where energy monitoring comes into play.

Energy monitoring is a process whereby the energy consumption of a building, facility, or process is monitored, analyzed, and optimized. In this article, we will take a closer look at what energy monitoring is, how it works, and what benefits it offers.

How does it work?

Energy monitoring is the process of monitoring, measuring, and analyzing energy consumption in a building, facility, or process. It involves capturing data on energy usage, identifying energy waste, and implementing measures to improve energy efficiency. Energy monitoring can be carried out manually or automated, and involves the use of sensors, software, and analysis systems.

The advantages

  • optimization of costs
  • sustainability
  • Improving plant performance
  • recording

The way it works

The energy monitoring is based on collecting data about energy consumption. This can be done by using energy meters or sensors that measure energy consumption in real-time. The data is then fed into software that analyzes and evaluates energy consumption. This software can identify energy waste and inefficient processes to show optimization possibilities. The results of the energy monitoring are summarized in reports that contain recommendations for improving energy efficiency.